Doxygen contains empty / useless "Namespaces" and "Files" pages

jcowgill opened this issue · 3 comments

Prerequisite Checklist

Describe your issue here

This page is empty and should probably contain something since SFML does have some namespaces: https://www.sfml-dev.org/documentation/2.6.1/namespaces.php

This files page (https://www.sfml-dev.org/documentation/2.6.1/files.php) has some issues which make it useless:

  • Most of the files on that page don't link anywhere making it just a list of files (as opposed to telling you what is in each file).
  • There is a rogue doc/mainpage.hpp file in the list which shouldn't be there.

Your Environment

  • OS / distro / window manager: Debian unstable
  • SFML version: master (but also affects 2.6.1)
  • Compiler / toolchain: GCC 13
  • Special compiler / CMake flags: -DSFML_BUILD_DOC=1

Steps to reproduce

  1. Build the docs
  2. Look at the "Namespaces" and "Files" tabs

Expected behavior

These should either:

  • Contain something useful
  • Be disabled so they don't appear at all

Actual behavior

Those pages are not useful

What version of Doxygen are you using?

Doxygen 1.9.8