Install prefix not honored

mgrojo opened this issue · 3 comments

Prerequisite Checklist

Describe your issue here

I tried to install as a regular user but a system path was tried to be written.

Your Environment

  • OS / distro / window manager: Ubuntu 22.04.4 LTS / Xwayland
  • SFML version: b71e8c1dfc52788f8e5953c8ba349d6700fcfe41
  • Compiler / toolchain: GCC
  • Special compiler / CMake flags:

Steps to reproduce

cmake --install . --prefix $HOME/local

Expected behavior

Everything is installed under $HOME/local with regular user permissions.

Actual behavior

-- Install configuration: "Release"
-- Installing: /home/mgr/local/lib/libcsfml-system.so.3.0.0
-- Installing: /home/mgr/local/lib/libcsfml-system.so.3.0
-- Installing: /home/mgr/local/lib/libcsfml-system.so
-- Installing: /home/mgr/local/lib/libcsfml-window.so.3.0.0
-- Installing: /home/mgr/local/lib/libcsfml-window.so.3.0
-- Installing: /home/mgr/local/lib/libcsfml-window.so
-- Installing: /home/mgr/local/lib/libcsfml-network.so.3.0.0
-- Installing: /home/mgr/local/lib/libcsfml-network.so.3.0
-- Installing: /home/mgr/local/lib/libcsfml-network.so
-- Installing: /home/mgr/local/lib/libcsfml-graphics.so.3.0.0
-- Installing: /home/mgr/local/lib/libcsfml-graphics.so.3.0
-- Installing: /home/mgr/local/lib/libcsfml-graphics.so
-- Installing: /home/mgr/local/lib/libcsfml-audio.so.3.0.0
-- Installing: /home/mgr/local/lib/libcsfml-audio.so.3.0
-- Installing: /home/mgr/local/lib/libcsfml-audio.so
CMake Error at cmake_install.cmake:59 (file):
  file cannot create directory: /usr/local//pkgconfig.  Maybe need
  administrative privileges.

Did you mean to file this bug under the CSFML repository?

Oops, yes.

Can I simply close this and copy it to CSFML?

Please reopen this on the CSFML repo