
Config reset

Closed this issue · 15 comments

Hey i have problem for some unknown reason config resets "Beacon: Added range per block" values when "Beacon: Added range per level" being kept as i edited when i launch Minecraft 1.19.2. I only changed digits didn't move any other symbol i also got Beacon Overhaul mod but i have read that it's compatible idk why this is caused please help what I'm doing wrong.
Here is full config after it resets when game is launched.
^-Beacon: Default range [10.0] 0.0 - ...
^-Beacon: Added range per level [10.0] 0.0 - ...
^-Beacon: Added range per block of type [minecraft:iron_block;0.0;minecraft:gold_block;0.0;minecraft:diamond_block;0.5;minecraft:emerald_block;0.5;minecraft:netherite_block;2.0] ID;AMOUNT;...
^-Conduit: Add vanilla range [true] true | false

^-Conduit: Added range per block of type [] ID;AMOUNT;...

SFort commented

"Added range per block of type" config shuffles the values on every launch
so it might be shuffling iron_block;1.0;gold_block;2.0 to gold_block;2.0;iron_block;1.0

if it's reseting the value, edit the config send it as an attachment, startup minecraft close it afther it loads and also send .minecraft/logs/latest.log as an attachment
(just drag and drop into the comment window)

It only shuffles Beacon: Added range per level but every range as i calculated works correctly so its not problem i guess. Only Beacon: Added range per block of type reseting here is config with edited values and log put it into zip because github doesn't support conf file type
Config and log.zip

SFort commented

i really need to decide on a proper config format one of these days.

will try to remember to fix this with the next version
(likely to be a while, betterbeacon dosn't get frequest updates)

i guess then i only use Added range per level then

SFort commented

oh wait i missread that so it does actually reset added range per block, i'll try n see why then

SFort commented

so the configs for my mods currently work in the following way:
1st line: value
2nd line: comment
3rd line: value
4th line: comment

etc. repeats


noticed you edited both the value and the comment that tells you what the default value is.
just making sure that this isn't just my poorly made config being confusing.
the actuall value on line 4 is reseting?

interesting so if i edit value then it also changes beacon added range per block too?
for example netherite per level will be 10x5 and per block type 10x5 too? also getting 150 range now with this same config line 5 resets
i guess its not bug then just confusion

also why i get 150 range from beacon can i get how it calculates range? because i only count 10+50+50=110 if this is correct

SFort commented


all of the numbers in the config refer to the range of the beacon
for example

^-Beacon: Default range
^-Beacon: Added range per level
^-Beacon: Added range per block of type

means that the beacon will have a range of 9 + ( 10 * level ) + (1 * count of iron blocks in the beacon) + (2 * count of gold blocks in the beacon)

so if someone made a level 1 beacon with iron blocks that would mean 9 + ( 10 * 1 ) + (1 * 9) + ( 2 * 0)

and the beacon would have a range of 28 blocks (or 37 if gold was used)

then i should have 870 range if this is correct formula 10+ (10x4) + (5x164) i guess 150 is limit of beacon range

SFort commented

a full netherite level 4 beacon should have a range of 1270 blocks with the config you sent
10 + (10 * 4) + (244 * 5) = 1270
nvm i got the amount of becon blocks wrong
i'm guessing you might be outside simulation/render range and the beacon has become unloaded?

you can probably test that with the /forceload command or a nether portal chunk loader

SFort commented

ye i just went to the wiki and pulled the number for multiple beacons instead of the correct one you used

i don't know forceload doesn't work its not command that exist in minecraft

oh its in game settings that limit its range simulation distance :) thanks for the help i guess default settings is more than enough i need about 200/250 range