
Real world coordinate system

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First of all,I want to present my sincere gratitude for your code, it is very helpful and instructive.
I am working recently on the integration and the visualisation of 2D and 3D dataset collected for exploring mining sites.I want to create a virtual tour that gather all the data in one environment and allow the user to interact and to understand the sense of scale of that data.
I have a huge dense point cloud and I tried to use your code in order to handle the problem of rendering massive point cloud but I do have a question : importing the point cloud in unity use the local coordinate system is it possible to have a real coordinate system for the point cloud so we can create an user interface that allow us to take measurements (Distance ,areas,..)?

In the Dynamic Point Cloud Set, there is a check box "Move Center to Transform Position". If this is checked, the center of the point cloud is moved to the GameObject's transform-position. If you uncheck it, the points should stay in the original coordinate system.
Is this helpful for you?


Thank you a lot for your quick reply.

The idea for me is to point to a point using a laser pointer and have real coordinates of that point and the projection system. Basically, I am creating a virtual tour, I have a large 2D and 3D dataset including SFM point cloud and Lidar point cloud and I did a co_registration of the 2 point clouds using CloudCompare I added this to the VR scene that already includes other datasets that are in a real coordinate system and I want to know if the point cloud using the unity package read the points with their real positions or with a local coordinate system of Unity?

Yeah, as long as you uncheck the "Move Center To Transform Position" the real positions, that are stored in the potree-files, should be used. Did you make any other observations? Do you get points at wrong positions or scalings? Honestly, I have never checked if the point positions are actually loaded correctly, but they should be, so if they aren't that would be a bug.

Hey, Sorry for my late reply.

Exactly it was only a bug in unity . Now it works perfectly.

But I do have another question. As I mentioned I m working on creating a VR tour in unity using point cloud. I have successfully loaded the data with the help of your code in Unity. I create a directory folder that contains all my cloud.js files but I only want to visualize in real-time the attributes choosing via the User interface in unity. Could you please give me some orientations since the directory folder loads all the point clouds at the same time?

Hi! I am not sure what you mean with "attributes". If you only want to load one point cloud rather than a whole directory simply use a Point Cloud Loader rather than a Directory Loader.