
Cannot get the localization result from the controller

dkoung opened this issue · 6 comments


I have SIM Localization controller running with two nanoScan3. I can see the localization on SOPASair, but I could not get the result via ROS.

I'm running ROS Melodic.

Edit: I can also call some services successfully such as /LocStop, /LocStartLocalizing, and /LocRequestTimestamp, while some other return false.

Thanks for reporting. Can you give some more information, logfiles or messages from the sick_lidar_localization process? If you start sick_lidar_localization with option verbose:=1 in a shell, informational and possible error messages are printed, e.g.

roslaunch sick_lidar_localization sick_lidar_localization.launch verbose:=1

A logfile or a screenshot of the sick_lidar_localization messages would be very helpfull.

To receive result messages from the SIM localization controller, both the IP address of the SIM (i.e. the UDP sender) and the IP adress of your local PC (i.e. the UDP receiver of result telegrams) have to be configured. You can do this either in the launch-file:

  <arg name="hostname"   default=""/>         <!-- IP adress of the localization controller --> 
  <arg name="udp_ip_sim_output" default=""/>             <!-- IP address for output UDP messages, or "" for broadcast (INADDR_ANY), default: "", use IP address of your local machine --> 
  <arg name="udp_ip_sim_input" default=""/>   <!-- IP address for input UDP messages, or "" for broadcast, default: "", (IP adress of the localization controller) --> 

or by commandline, see

An example call is:

roslaunch sick_lidar_localization sick_lidar_localization.launch hostname:= udp_ip_sim_input:= udp_ip_sim_output:=<IP of your PC> verbose:=1


Thanks for your reply. The issue is solved; The problem was that the SIM controller was running an older version (LLS-1.5.1). I just updated it to version 2.1, and everything is fine.

Thanks for your message.

Hi @rostest @dkoung

I am facing the same problem.
I run LLS-2.0 in window computer with ip Run sick_lidar_localization package for ros 1 in computer ip
Run roslaunch with config:
But i see nothing in those topic:

Thank you in advance!

@rostest dear,

I updated my LidarLOC to version, but I still have nothing when subscribe to topic: /localizationcontroller/out/localizatinocontroller_result_message_0502

Please help me!

I fixed my issue. It cause the mistake in configuration of LidarLOC.