
Better documentation, basic options, comments for source code

Valachio opened this issue · 0 comments

This library is far superior to the more well-known leaflet markercluster. It is significantly faster than both Leaflet's markercluster library and also the MarkerClusterer library provided by Google Maps API.

However, this library is not very usable by novice-intermediate programmers (like myself) because of the lack of detailed documentation and lack of built-in adjustment options.

Leaflet markercluster has basic built-in options like zoomToBoundsOnClick and spiderfyOnMaxZoom. Which makes it very easy to adjust the clustering system to one's needs.

For PruneCluster, to make these modifications, I would have to go into the source code. But reading the source code is quite hard for someone who isn't an expert or someone who wants someone that just works. Also there are no comments in the source code explaining what each part does.

Anyways. The point is, this library is a far superior clustering system than anything I've seen, and it has significant potential. However it is hampered by the lack of detailed documentation, lack of basic adjustment options, and lack of comments in the source code.

At the very least I would love to see detailed comments added to the source code. It would make understanding (and contributing to) this library significantly easier.