
Teleporting To Finish World Edit Action Is Broken In

Opened this issue · 3 comments

Is there an existing issue for this?

  • I have searched the existing issues

Current behaviour

The teleport to complete action is broken in the latest update. When trying to fill large areas it says generating blocks and then says 0 blocks have changed. Nothing happens after that either.

Expected behaviour

The teleporting around to complete actions outside of your simulation distance should work as expected

Steps to reproduce

  1. Get a wand
  2. Select a zone larger than your simulation distance
  3. Fill it with something
  4. Nothing changes

Content logs

No response

Minecraft version

Device and operating system

Windows 11

Additional info

No response

I'm unable to reproduce this. What I did was select a very large area and run the command ;set stone. It then gradually filled the entire area.

I used the fill item

You mentioned teleporting, but that's not something you need to do anymore. Instead ticking areas are made.