
Sample Execution Error

Opened this issue · 1 comments

I am trying to execute the first example code of AI-Feynman, following its GitHub repository procedure.
I have done $ pip install aifeynman, and executed the below codes at the REPL.

import aifeynman
aifeynman.get_demos("example_data") # Download examples from server
aifeynman.run_aifeynman("./example_data/", "example1.txt", 60, "14ops.txt", polyfit_deg=3, NN_epochs=500)

The code has been started, but it output an error message "STOP DEATH ERROR: missing file args.dat" with the following stdout statements.

Checking for brute force + 

Trying to solve mysteries with brute force...
Trying to solve ./example_data/example1.txt_train
STOP DEATH ERROR: missing file args.dat
Checking for brute force * 

Trying to solve mysteries with brute force...
Trying to solve ./example_data/example1.txt_train
STOP DEATH ERROR: missing file args.dat
Checking polyfit 

Pareto frontier in the current branch:

Complexity #  MDL Loss #  Expression
820.58 23.51 -3.97366916299281e-9*x0**3 - 4.98792375183732e-6*x0**2*x1 - 2.34615280130395e-5*x0**2*x2 + 0.000207395709218903*x0**2 - 0.000127172549695894*x0*x1**2 - 0.0297271185372981*x0*x1*x2 + 0.253671372975734*x0*x1 + 0.00425288419012183*x0*x2**2 - 0.0277197179641274*x0*x2 + 0.932555887619613*x0 - 0.000233584852340369*x1**3 - 0.0590672539598628*x1**2*x2 + 0.504778926577637*x1**2 + 0.0253291848989736*x1*x2**2 - 0.131143431894439*x1*x2 - 0.651859763950773*x1 - 0.00362777965859679*x2**3 + 0.0321967297940855*x2**2 - 0.0913890606187051*x2 + 0.614004068741101

Checking for brute force + 

Trying to solve mysteries with brute force...
Trying to solve results/mystery_world_squared/example1.txt_train
STOP DEATH ERROR: missing file args.dat
Checking for brute force * 

(These lines above are repeated...)

My environment was constructed on an AWS VM based on the Deep Learning AMI of Ubuntu 18.04,
and its pre-installed conda environment with py36 & torch was activated.

I would appreciate it if you could tell me how to solve this problem. Thank you very much.

koskr commented

Are you sure it is not a problem of rights ? maybe open up the file permissions with chmod (see §4 of )