
Units and Jupyter NB Issues

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I have two problems. The first has to do with units. I've searched all over, but I can't seem to find how to format units so that AI Feynman can perform dimensional analysis. If anybody could provide insight it would be much appreciated.
My main issue has to do with NN issues. When using a jupyter notebook, AI Feynman can get through brute force, but as soon as it says "Training a NN on the data...", the kernel dies. I've tried setting up GPUs manually, but that didn't work. Does anybody know how to solve this issue?

Regarding your first problem relating to units, you can check out this website: and download the units file there (units.csv). makes use of this units file (you might have to change the path and extension). you can check out the other files at the website mentioned above to try working examples of dimensional analysis.