
Bad url when using F12

Opened this issue · 4 comments

This bug is pretty critical since it makes Ref12 completely unusable.

Seems it's because Microsoft changed the hashes they use to link to the code files (maybe with the release of Framework 4.7 the hashes automatically updated?), hence Ref12's hardcoded ones no longer match and MS can't find them to do the redirect. Amusingly enough, Microsoft's own Link to a type/member link on the front page of suffers from the same problem.

For example, Ref12 is passing a80c803cd6c25112 for System/Linq/Enumerable.cs (which gets translated to 80c803c by MS's JavaScript), but Microsoft's hash for that file is 0f3613a.

Assuming MS did change the hashes intentionally, and will continue to do so in future - perhaps it would be a better long-term solution to have this extension pull the list of latest file hashes from a URL every so often, and cache them locally?

Not sure if this is the same issue but when I try going to a reference in VB for example "Keys.A" I get sent to the link below with the message.

Don't use this page directly, pass #symbolId to get redirected."

@paul1956 Yes, it's the same issue.