
Visual Studio 2019 support

Closed this issue · 5 comments

I tried to install the extension in Visual Studio 2019 Preview version 1.1 but it failed. The install log states the following:

2019-01-07 3:21:26 PM - Extension cannot be installed to the following products due to missing prerequisites:
2019-01-07 3:21:26 PM - 	Microsoft Visual Studio Enterprise 2019
2019-01-07 3:21:26 PM - 		-------------------------------------------------------
2019-01-07 3:21:26 PM - 		Identifier   : Microsoft.VisualStudio.Component.CoreEditor
2019-01-07 3:21:26 PM - 		Name         : Visual Studio core editor
2019-01-07 3:21:26 PM - 		Version      : [15.0,16.0)
2019-01-07 3:21:26 PM - 		Error        : The prerequisite version specified does not match the version installed
2019-01-07 3:21:26 PM - 
2019-01-07 3:21:26 PM - 		-------------------------------------------------------
2019-01-07 3:21:26 PM - 		Identifier   : Microsoft.VisualStudio.Component.Roslyn.Compiler
2019-01-07 3:21:26 PM - 		Name         : C# and Visual Basic Roslyn compilers
2019-01-07 3:21:26 PM - 		Version      : [15.0.25904.2,16.0)
2019-01-07 3:21:26 PM - 		Error        : The prerequisite version specified does not match the version installed
2019-01-07 3:21:26 PM - 

I believe that this is because the version range for these two packages is invalid. They should end in 17.0), not 16.0).

I used the PowerShell module VSSetup (version 2.2.5) and the command (Get-VSSetupInstance -Prerelease | Select-VSSetupInstance -Version "16.0").Packages | Where-Object Id -Like "Microsoft.VisualStudio.Component.*" to confirm both prerequisites currently have a version number of 16.0.28315.86 in 2019 Preview 1.1.

I've included my install log: VSIXInstaller_0654f223-4d1f-4632-bf6c-65b98cde0833.log

It is true for the first dependency.
But the second is no longer available. So that it must be removed at all from the manifest. I don't know the other way.

By the way, where do you execute that PowerShell script?

It is true for the first dependency.
But the second is no longer available. So that it must be removed at all from the manifest. I don't know the other way.

I have both dependencies. It is possible I have some payload installed that you don't. Here is a partial output from the PowerShell commands I mentioned.

Id       : Microsoft.VisualStudio.Component.Roslyn.Compiler
Version  : 16.0.28315.86
Chip     :
Language :
Branch   :

Id       : Microsoft.VisualStudio.Component.CoreEditor
Version  : 16.0.28315.86
Chip     :
Language :
Branch   :

I installed the VSSetup module using Install-Module. I found out about that module and how to use it from the following StackOverflow answer:

SLaks commented

This works now; sorry for the mistake.