
Will support visual studio 2022?

Opened this issue · 4 comments

I can't search this extension on the visual studio 2022 marketplace, will this extension support visual studio 2022? thanks.

3ncy commented

many people (including myself) would appreciate this on vs2022

Also needs updated to support .NET Standard and .NET Core projects, see #34
This was my favourite and most used extension.

I have created a fork to test possibility of upgrade to VS 2022 - And it is at least partial success.

I have updated references to proper nuget packages (Update a Visual Studio extension for Visual Studio 2022) and I have also updated the vsix package manifest. After this the solution can be compiled and the resulting package can be can be installed to Visual Studion 2022 and seems to work.

There is a problem with unit tests. References to the libraries Microsoft.VSSDK.TestHostFramework, Microsoft.VisualStudio.QualityTools.UnitTestFramework has to be replaced by packages MSTest.TestAdapter and MSTest.TestFramework. But there is a problem with attribte HostType which is deprecated. The problem seems to be possibly solved with How to host VS IDE during integration test via MSTest?, but I have not succeded. So any help is needed

A VS 2022/.NetCore supported extension has been implemented and published, and can be found with key words Ref12 VS2022 on visual studio 2022 marketplace now.