Error while installing smappR package. Kindly fix this issue ASAP

solomonchristyab opened this issue · 3 comments

When I tried to install smappR in my windows machine, it showed:

> require(devtools)
> install_github("smappR", "SMAPPNYU")
Downloading GitHub repo SMAPPNYU/smappR@master
from URL
Error in utils::packageVersion("curl") : package ‘curl’ not found
In addition: Warning message:
Username parameter is deprecated. Please use SMAPPNYU/smappR 

I couldn't use getTimeline() because of this issue.

Kindly help me fixing it ASAP.
Thanks in advance!

The error message already points out the problem: you need to install the "curl" package first.

Sir! I already installed curl and RCurl packages. I ran the updated version of curl which is curl_0.9.6. Problem has not been sorted out even after that @pablobarbera

Error has been solved! Thanks @pablobarbera