
adjusting the vertical axis of dos plot when --no-total is selected

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in projected dos, when --no-total is used, the graph height/vertical axis seems to be still based on the height of the total DOS.

as a result, my projected dos is too small to analyze.

Is there a way to have the plot to automatically adjust based on the maximum height of the selected projection instead, when --no-total is used?

as it is now, i can only think of either using maybe --yscale to replot this manually, or use the dat file to plot it with spreadsheet or other software. Is there another way?


The reason the plots are scaled to the (invisible) total is that this gives consistent scaling when several plots are made for the same system. Clearly, in this particular case the outcome is not very useful!

I think in this case using --yscale will be the way to go, then you have the benefit that you can use the same scale factor for any other plots of the same system and keep things comparable.