- 5
DOS plot from DOSCAR(.lobster)
#237 opened by joerivan - 8
[Feature Discussion] Quantum ESPRESSO support
#217 opened by oashour - 2
- 3
- 2
- 7
- 13
sumo-dosplot showing error ValueError: invalid literal for int() with base 10: '!'
#242 opened by ihtishamqabid - 3
- 1
- 0
Effective mass
#243 opened by kuber05 - 2
Separating spin-up and spin-down contributions in sumo-bandplot output .dat file
#240 opened by JaafarMehrez - 14
- 4
error plotting band structure
#236 opened by oisin67 - 2
Plotting the bandstructure along a specific high symmetry path defined by the user
#229 opened by JaafarMehrez - 3
Band-edge positions evaluated via sumo-bandstats in collinear antiferromagnetic NiO
#231 opened by FPrith - 5
Issue comparing DoS
#204 opened by OkiPVP - 0
Is it possible to plot the projected band structure of the lm-decomposed orbitals?
#235 opened by TheGreatDeadOne - 2
sumo phonon plot erro
#230 opened by Asif-Iqbal-Bhatti - 4
strange DOS shape
#232 opened by giacsport - 4
A lot of link cannot be found
#225 opened by haiyuanwang2020 - 2
Sumo-bandplot fails with KeyError: <Spin.up: 1>
#226 opened by JQNG - 11
- 2
- 7
- 17
sumo-optplot failed to plot optical absorption spectra diagrams of VASP GW+BSE computation.
#221 opened by hongyi-zhao - 3
[Feature Discussion] Wannier90 support
#218 opened by oashour - 1
- 2
Sumo-optplot issue
#211 opened by Ah-Abd-Ellatife - 2
y-axis values in sumo-dos plot
#199 opened by mmmkhan - 0
- 3
Colours in DOS
#208 opened by brlec - 2
- 4
How to control the size of band edges
#192 opened by kcbhamu - 3
symprec usage in `sumo-phonon-bandplot`
#205 opened by badw - 9
How to shift density of states
#190 opened by kcbhamu - 3
- 1
How add non-analytical term corrections with sumo command
#202 opened by kcbhamu - 0
- 0
Cant find arguments for plotting horizontal line
#198 opened by khaledb9 - 0
Misplaced y-axis label in subplot feature
#194 opened by CY21D082 - 1
sumo-bandstats doesn't display correct k-point labels
#187 opened by utf - 4
Invalid Style Override 'custom.mplstyle'
#188 opened by jfrmhrz - 5
Correct Band Gap in sumo-bandstats?
#191 opened by jfrmhrz - 1
Spin-polarised projected bands not possible
#186 opened by badw - 1
How to plot project phonon dos with phonon bands?
#185 opened by kcbhamu - 3
Sumo-bandplot is not showing KPOINTS labels
#184 opened by jfrmhrz - 0
y-axis labels are misplaced in subplot mode
#183 opened by alpinnovianus - 1
Display error in x-axis of band structure plot
#182 opened by SiheChen - 11
Sumo-bandplot legend color with 2 atoms
#180 opened by bugaboo - 1