
Decision Trees for Expert Iteration : A Benckmark Study for en Enchanced Agent Strategy

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Decision Trees for Expert Iteration : A Benckmark Study for an Enchanced Agent Strategy

Set Up Dependencies

Please note that this project has been developed under a MacOS distribution. I highly recommned you to execute it under a MacOS or Unix distribution. It's not been tested under a windows environment.

Create a virtual environment

python3 -m venv env

Install the requirements as

pip3 install -r requirements.txt


Run from the command line as

python3 main.py 

The usage is the following

usage: main.py [-h] [-a1 {mcts,rfc,svm,mlp}] [-a2 {mcts,rfc,svm,mlp}]
               [-o OUTPUT] [-i ITERATIONS] [-c] [-n NGAMES]
               [-g {oxo,othello,nim}] [-v] [-nc NIMCHIPS]
               [-ob OTHELLOBOARDSIZE]

The system includes a wide range of command line arguments to customize the execution.

-h, --help. Show this help message and exit
-a1 {mcts,rfc,svm,mlp}, --agent1 {mcts,rfc,svm,mlp}. Agent 1 Training Method
-a2 {mcts,rfc,svm,mlp}, --agent2 {mcts,rfc,svm,mlp}. Agent 2 Training Method
-o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT. Output Filename
-i ITERATIONS, --iterations ITERATIONS. Number of Iterations
-c, --continous. If the training should be carried out using continous data
-n NGAMES, --ngames NGAMES. Number of games to play per iteration
-g {oxo,othello,nim}, --game {oxo,othello,nim}. Game to play
-v, --verbose. Program Verbosity
-nc NIMCHIPS, --nimChips NIMCHIPS. Nim Chips
-ob OTHELLOBOARDSIZE, --othelloBoardSize OTHELLOBOARDSIZE. Othello Board Size

Default Execution

When executing without arguments these are the default arguments used

python3 main.py -a1 rfc -a2 rfc -g oxo -i 10 -n 10 -o date_now.csv

Execution examples

Execute the code with both agents playing with MCTS

python3 main.py --agent1 mcts --agent2 mcts

Execute with Agent 1 playing with RFC and agent 2 with MCTS

python3 main.py -a1 rfc -a2 mcts -g oxo -i 100 -n 20 -o outputfile.csv --verbose

Continous training

The agents can be trained using continous data pipeline, that means that the agent n is trained using all the outcomes from the previous agents (0,n-1). Therefore, the agents not only are trained on the past agent data but on all the generations. To achieve so you can add the flag --continous to your execution. By default continous learning is disabled and therefore an agent n will be trained with only the last agent output, also kown as 1-interval window training.

python3 main.py -a1 rfc -a2 mcts -g oxo -i 100 -n 20 -o outpufile.csv --continous --verbose