
Timer Component- Update UI & Refine Context

kip-west opened this issue · 0 comments

Feature Categories:

  • React
  • Styling/CSS

Describe the feature/Bug your gonna work on

  • We have the core of our timer setup, but need to write a little more code to refine the aesthetic/functional pieces
    • Aesthetic: there's a little bit of code in there to have our salmon circle tick down with the numbers
      • How can we access timeLeft from the Timer component given by react-compound-timer
    • Functional: our Timer is connected to the SettingsContext, but when a user changes their time in settings it's not updating on screen
      • After some troubleshooting yesterday, we determined that the update is happening in the CountdownTimer component, but isn't getting passed down to Timer's state...
      • Note from 10/26/2020: after implementing Router, this functional issue is resolved. The Timer component is now only rendered after settings have been updated. -jkw