
Error when running example

Closed this issue · 2 comments

I met an error when running codes with the following example Simulate spatial transcriptomic data

Code shows

example_simu <- scdesign3(
sce = example_sce,
assay_use = "counts",
celltype = "cell_type",
pseudotime = NULL,
spatial = c("spatial1", "spatial2"),
other_covariates = NULL,
mu_formula = "s(spatial1, spatial2, bs = 'gp', k= 400)",
corr_formula = "1"

Error information:

Input Data Construction Start
Input Data Construction End
Start Marginal Fitting
Warning message in mclapply(seq_len(n), do_one, mc.preschedule = mc.preschedule, :
“scheduled cores 1, 2 did not deliver results, all values of the jobs will be affected”
Error in names(answer) <- dots[[1L]]: NULL是不能有属性的

Hi Li Qian,
This error means that the parallel computing did not work. Could you first set n_cores = 1 and let me know if it works? Also, what is your OS?


Hey, Dongyuan, thank you, I fix it with your suggestion.