
Missing event kernel post-processing tools in SPECFEM3D_caretsian

aakash10gupta opened this issue · 2 comments

I am trying to do some simple synthetic inversion tests for homogeneous-halfspace models in SPECFEM3D_caretsian. For post-processing event kernels, the available smoothing process seems computationally expensive while the clipping process involves manually choosing the threshold and also leads to potential artifacts in the recovered models. I am presently considering the option of location based source and receiver masking to solve the problem. I see that some of the related event kernel post-processing tools which are available in SPECFEM3D_globe, are missing in SPECFEM3D_caretsian. I have tabulated their availability below based on my understanding. Please let me know if any of you are aware of the existence of any of these missing tools which are or are not integrated to the SPECFEM3D_caretsian package that I can use. Any other suggestions with regards to solving the original problem will also be very helpful.

Globe Cartesian
smooth Yes Yes
laplacian_smoothing Yes No
clip Yes Yes
mask_source Yes No
mask_receiver No No

Hi Aakash, not sure whether it's too late but I have a smoothing program based on diffusion PDE. Currently it's in my private repository but I'm working to merge it to the main repository.

Hi @tianshi-liu, definitely not too late. This would be very helpful, and a very useful feature to add. Let me know if I can help with any testing or anything else.