How to: update 1.9 to 1.11
SPGoding opened this issue · 1 comments
- Change entity IDs.
Old name | New name | Change | Type |
AreaEffectCloud | area_effect_cloud | Underscores | Entity |
ArmorStand | armor_stand | Underscores | Entity |
Cauldron | brewing_stand | Rename | Block entity |
CaveSpider | cave_spider | Underscores | Entity |
MinecartChest | chest_minecart | Rename | Entity |
Control | command_block | Rename | Block entity |
MinecartCommandBlock | commandblock_minecart | Rename | Entity |
DLDetector | daylight_detector | Rename | Block entity |
Trap | dispenser | Rename | Block entity |
DragonFireball | dragon_fireball | Underscores | Entity |
ThrownEgg | egg | Rename | Entity |
EnchantTable | enchanting_table | Rename | Block entity |
EndGateway | end_gateway | Underscore | Block entity |
AirPortal | end_portal | Rename | Block entity |
EnderChest | ender_chest | Underscore | Block entity |
EnderCrystal | ender_crystal | Underscores | Entity |
EnderDragon | ender_dragon | Underscores | Entity |
ThrownEnderpearl | ender_pearl | Rename | Entity |
EyeOfEnderSignal | eye_of_ender_signal | Underscores | Entity |
FallingSand | falling_block | Rename | Entity |
FireworksRocketEntity | fireworks_rocket | Rename | Entity |
FlowerPot | flower_pot | Underscore | Block entity |
MinecartFurnace | furnace_minecart | Rename | Entity |
MinecartHopper | hopper_minecart | Rename | Entity |
EntityHorse | horse | Rename | Entity |
ItemFrame | item_frame | Underscores | Entity |
RecordPlayer | jukebox | Rename | Block entity |
LeashKnot | leash_knot | Underscores | Entity |
LightningBolt | lightning_bolt | Underscores | Entity |
LavaSlime | magma_cube | Rename | Entity |
MinecartRideable | minecart | Rename | Entity |
MobSpawner | mob_spawner | Underscore | Block entity |
MushroomCow | mooshroom | Rename | Entity |
Music | noteblock | Rename | Block entity |
Ozelot | ocelot | Rename | Entity |
PolarBear | polar_bear | Underscores | Entity |
ShulkerBullet | shulker_bullet | Underscores | Entity |
SmallFireball | small_fireball | Underscores | Entity |
SpectralArrow | spectral_arrow | Underscores | Entity |
ThrownPotion | potion | Rename | Entity |
MinecartSpawner | spawner_minecart | Rename | Entity |
Structure | structure_block | Rename | Block entity |
PrimedTnt | tnt | Rename | Entity |
MinecartTNT | tnt_minecart | Rename | Entity |
VillagerGolem | villager_golem | Underscores | Entity |
WitherBoss | wither | Rename | Entity |
WitherSkull | wither_skull | Underscores | Entity |
ThrownExpBottle | xp_bottle | Rename | Entity |
XPOrb | xp_orb | Underscores | Entity |
PigZombie | zombie_pigman | Rename | Entity |
Horse was split into entity IDs horse, donkey, mule, skeleton_horse and zombie_horse for their respective types.
Skeleton was split into entity IDs skeleton, stray and wither_skeleton.
Zombie was split into entity IDs zombie, zombie_villager and husk.
Guardian was split into entity IDs guardian and elder_guardian.
Unused savegame IDs Mob and Monster were removed.
-- Minecraft wiki
- Change NBT formats.
For all horses, HasReproduced, Type and Saddle tags are removed.
ChestedHorse and Items tags now apply only to mule and donkey.
SkeletonTrap and SkeletonTrapTime tags now apply only to skeleton_horse.
Elder tag is removed from guardian and elder_guardian.
ZombieType tag is removed from all zombie types.
ConversionTime and Profession tags now apply only to zombie_villager.
SkeletonType tag is removed from all skeleton types.
Pumpkin byte tag is added to snowman.
For ghast fireballs, blaze fireballs, fire charges, dragon fireballs and wither skulls:
xTile, yTile, zTile, inTile and inGround tags were removed,
and the life tag is no longer used for anything, but still saved/read.
-- Minecraft wiki