dropout should change

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Iteration: 4%|▍ | 13/330 [00:36<16:00, 3.03s/batches, bac=0.5, Accuracy=0.51, loss=0.695, lr=1.47e-6]D:\Anaconda\envs\LGG\lib\site-packages\torch\nn\functional.py:1338: UserWarning: dropout2d: Received a 3D input to dropout2d and assuming that channel-wise 1D dropout behavior is desired - input is interpreted as shape (N, C, L), where C is the channel dim. This behavior will change in a future release to interpret the input as one without a batch dimension, i.e. shape (C, H, W). To maintain the 1D channel-wise dropout behavior, please switch to using dropout1d instead. warnings.warn("dropout2d: Received a 3D input to dropout2d and assuming that channel-wise "