
Redragon K580 bootloader issue

Closed this issue · 10 comments

Hello. Today I tried installing qmk but after doing so the keyboard stopped typing. Only the red rgb works and the keymap is all different. How can I put it to bootloader to go back to stock fw? What's the combination of bootloader?

You have to use the flasher or short the MCU pin there is no key codes to go into bootloader mode like most QMK keyboards (Sonix joys).

I would additionally go to the source:

I have already fixed it with shorting but still the keymap is different and you can't type with the keyboard when the fw is flashed. The VIA one works tho. I just had to go through yarn instalation so didn't bother much

So to confirm the default bin firmware doesn't work, but VIA does as long as you use their yarn VIA?

No, via works without yarn too. I just couldn't control the rgb because I needed srgb plugin which has a doc and in the doc it says to choose my keyboard from the keyboard list but my keyboard wasn't there so I just flashed stock back. I am gonna wait for my keyboard to be added to the list or else I don't know what to do to make it work with srgb

I just needed yarn to remap keys if required

No, via works without yarn too. I just couldn't control the rgb because I needed srgb plugin which has a doc and in the doc it says to choose my keyboard from the keyboard list but my keyboard wasn't there so I just flashed stock back. I am gonna wait for my keyboard to be added to the list or else I don't know what to do to make it work with srgb

This is because you have to create the plugin as well:

That is what talks to the keyboard, after flashing you can ask for help on creating the plugin after starting work with the Example file. (Adding your VendorId & ProductId to it).

I was talking about this doc. Step 9 says to choose my keyboard which I can't because my keyboard just isn't in the list

How would it show if I didn't create the plugin? I cant pass through step 9

Device Information in SignalRGB's settings show all USB connected devices whether they are supported or not by a Plugin.
You are skipping from Step 9 to Link to Default Keyboard Plugin aka Step 17. Everything before this you have technically done as you have the firmware already.