
No MongoClient despite of providing connection string

Closed this issue · 3 comments


I have problem with usage of component on .Net Core with following initialization:

services.AddMigration(new MongoMigrationSettings() {
                ConnectionString = ConnectionString,
                Database = "my-database",
                DatabaseMigrationVersion = new DocumentVersion(0,0,0) //or string e.g. "0.0.0"

where ConnectionString = "mongodb://usr:pwd@"

It finishes with:
Mongo.Migration.Exceptions.MongoMigrationNoMongoClientException: 'No MongoClient, you need to register a MongoClient to the DI-Container or define connection settings with MongoMigrationSettings'.

What can I do wrong?

When I add before


Then no exception is thrown.

same thing! have you found a solution @OldShaterhan ?

@iamdanthedev, due to some changes I don't use it right now, but as far as I remember I did sth like this:

var ConnectionString = "connection-string"
services.AddMigration(new MongoMigrationSettings() {
                ConnectionString = ConnectionString,
                Database = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("MONGO_DATABASE"),
                DatabaseMigrationVersion = new DocumentVersion(Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("MONGO_MIGRATIONS_VERSION")) //(1,0,0)

where MongoDatabase is MongoDB.Driver.IMongoDatabase, so as there was declared MongoDB client in services it was able to use them. It means that I used already defined client as a base. I hope this will help you.

Hope this will help you resolve it.

Hey @OldShaterhan and @iamdanthedev,

I upadted the Readme, so it is more clear that you need to register a MongoClient befor you configure the Settings.

