
Feature: Lock from within Unreal (instead of checkout)

thomasvanta opened this issue · 5 comments

Right now, the only way for me to lock a file for others to not work on it is by locking them in Gluon/Plastic.
Will it be possible to add a lock option to the plugin?

Hey, thanks for the feedback, this would indeed be a nice addition!

Someone else mentioned it should be good to be able to also unlock a file checked-out in another workspace.


edit: re-reading this years later, I am now unsure of the original question.
The Unreal plugin is a way for you to checkout assets, and that will apply the server lock rules to the files exactly like in Plastic/Gluon GUIs.

The cm command-line tool doesn't allow to lock an asset, but only to unlock one!
The reason is that you cannot apply lock other than by checking out an asset

I am equally interested in this feature. We cannot lock a file after it is checked out from within this plugin. We must first check out and lock each file in gluon to lock a file and prevent others from editing the file. This is often impossible due to the way data layers & world partition work and store uassets, and the hundreds of thousands of assets that can reside within a world partitioned world. We really need to be able to lock files to prevent others from overwriting each others work. I appreciate your time and consideration.

If this feature already exists, please confirm. As we are really struggling here as a team. Too many times have we overwritten each others work as a result.

For the record, it's already possible to checkout-and-lock from within the Unreal Editor if exclusive checkout is correctly configured on the server.
It's in fact the recommended workflow.

@MrJRules I think you hit a bug. Could you provide some information on what you are using, what version of Unreal and the plugin, what version of Plastic SCM/Unity Version Control, cloud or on premise and how the Lock Rules are configured?