
Project Overview

Welcome to the Student Grade Evaluation repository for Group 7! In this collaborative effort, we have brought together a unique team of individuals to create something truly remarkable. Below, you'll find an overview of the project, as well as information about each team member.

Project Description

Our Student Grade Evaluation system offers the following key features:

User Authentication: Secure user authentication for students, ensuring that only authorized individuals can access their grades.

Student Dashboard: An intuitive dashboard for students to view and track their academic performance. This includes a breakdown of grades for individual courses.

Admin Panel: A dedicated admin panel for educators to manage student grades. This panel streamlines the grading process, making it more efficient for the admin.

Grade Updates: Easy-to-use interfaces for the admin to input and update grades, ensuring that the latest academic information is always available to students.

Accessibility: A user-friendly design that ensures accessibility for all users, making it easy for students and educators to navigate the system.

Group 7 Members:

Tutungan, Jameel U.

Cruz, Adrian Vine A.

Dianito, Eugene

Muring Jr., Dindo T.

Evangelista, Jerico

Cleofe, John Lorenz

Getting Started

To quickly set up and run our Student Grade Evaluation system, follow these simple steps. The project is designed to work seamlessly on a web server or with XAMPP.


Ensure that you have the following software installed on your machine:

  • Web Browser - We recommend using the latest version of Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox.
  • XAMPP - If you prefer to use XAMPP, download and install it following the official instructions.

Installation Steps

  1. Clone the Repository: Open a terminal or command prompt and clone the project repository to your local machine using the following command:

    git clone
  2. Move to Project Directory: Navigate to the project directory using the cd command:

    cd CDM_Student_Grade_Evaluation
  3. Run with a Web Server: If you have a local web server installed, simply move the project folder to the server's root directory, and access it through your browser. For example, if you are using XAMPP, move the project to the htdocs folder and access it at http://localhost/CDM_Student_Grade_Evaluation.

  4. Open in Browser: Open your web browser and enter the following URL:


    Adjust the URL based on your server configuration. ex. http://localhost/CDM_Student_Grade_Evaluation/index.html


  • Student Login:

    • Use the provided student credentials to log in and access your grades. (You can register if you want)
  • Student Dashboard:

    • Access the dashboard for students to view and track their academic performance.
  • Admin Panel:

    • Access the admin panel using the admin credentials to manage student records, update grades.


Feel free to contribute by pulling requests. :)


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.

Acknowledgements and Special Thanks

We would like to express our sincere gratitude to the following individuals and organizations who have contributed to the success of the CDM_Student_Grade_Evaluation:

Your guidance, and support have been invaluable throughout the development process. We appreciate your commitment to excellence and your willingness to share your knowledge.

Thank you for being part of this journey and making our project better with your contributions!