How to calculate MOS_zscore in koniq10k datasets?
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such as c1 = 0, c2 = 0, c3 = 25, c4 = 73, c5 = 7, c_total = 105, MOS = 3.83, SD = 0.53
In our downloaded score file, there's one column 'MOS_zscore' attached behind column SD, maybe you could refer to the published dataset to see if there's any update.
Yes, MOS_zscore = 77.38362, but I don not know how to calculate this Mark.
Another datasets maybe only give MOS mark,So I want to understand.
Thank for your replay!
This might be the post-processed MOS score, you can refer to their origin paper for an answer.
I read this paper already,but only got how to calculate MOS,not MOS_zscore.
Maybe I didn't see it O.O
image_name: the image file name
c1-c5: number of ratings for each ACR value
c_total: total number of judgments per image
MOS: Mean Opinion Scores of the 5-point ACR
SD: Standard Deviation of the MOS
MOS_zscore: ACR scores are first normalised for each user by z-scoring the user ratings
Hi, I am confused about the same issue. @wangbin2018 did you finally understand on how to calculate the MOS_zscore?