
Unknown Amplifiers in dspot-maven

borisbaldassari opened this issue · 2 comments


  • Issue Type: documentation
  • Reproducibility: always
  • Severity: major
  • Tool/Service/Component: Dspot-maven 3.0.0
  • Execution Environment: Linux Debian 9.11


When executing the new maven-dspot 3.0.0 goal with a set of known amplifiers it fails with the following message:

MAVEN_HOME=~/Applis/apache-maven-3.6.0/ mvn eu.stamp-project:dspot-maven:amplify-unit-tests -Doutput-path=../output/dspot -Diteration=1 -Damplifiers=FastLiteralAmplifier,MethodAdd,MethodRemove,MethodGeneratorAmplifier

picocli.CommandLine$ParameterException: Invalid value for option '--amplifiers' (<amplifiers>): expected one of [MethodDuplicationAmplifier, MethodRemove, FastLiteralAmplifier, MethodAdderOnExistingObjectsAmplifier, ReturnValueAmplifier, StringLiteralAmplifier, NumberLiteralAmplifier, BooleanLiteralAmplifier, CharLiteralAmplifier, AllLiteralAmplifiers, NullifierAmplifier, ArrayAmplifier, None] (case-sensitive) but was 'MethodAdd'

When double-checking, it seems that MethodAdd, MethodGeneratorAmplifier are not supported anymore. Have they been replaced, or is there any documentation to help?

There is no mention of amplifiers being deprecated, by the way.

Steps to reproduce

Command Line / Options
MAVEN_HOME=~/Applis/apache-maven-3.6.0/ mvn eu.stamp-project:dspot-maven:amplify-unit-tests -Doutput-path=../output/dspot -Diteration=1 -Damplifiers=FastLiteralAmplifier,MethodAdd,MethodRemove,MethodGeneratorAmplifier

Hello @borisbaldassari

MethodAdd has been replaced by MethodDuplicationAmplifier and MethodGeneratorAmplifier has been replaced by MethodAdderOnExistingObjectsAmplifier.

New names have been introduced in #846. By the time, old and new names were supported, and a warning message was displayed in case you used an old name.

Thank you.

Hi @danglotb ,
Thanks for the clarification, I've overlooked that.. closing the bug. Thanks again for your support!