
Milestone 3 Feedback

Closed this issue · 4 comments

  • Overall, great job!
  • Your final report is structured well and was interesting to read!


  • your usage section in your README is missing make all and make clean instructions
  • ellaoborate more on your analysis, results, and discussion/conclusion in your final report
  • typo in make file and in all your scripts causing them to fail
    • make sure your capitalization is correct when referencing Rmd file extensions i.e.scripts/report.Rmd NOT scripts/report.RMD)
    • make sure your capitalization is correct when referencing R file extensions (i.e. scripts/load_data.R NOT scripts/load_data.r)
    • make sure your capitalization is correct when referencing to your data folder because your folder name is Data NOT data (i.e. Data/classics_raw_data.csv NOT data/classics_raw_data.csv)
    • make sure your capitalizaiton is correct when referencing Rscript (i.e. Rscript NOT RScript)

Thanks for the feedback @andrealee011. We will make sure to address it in our next milestone.
We ran the make file on Windows machines and it worked properly and the assignment did not state that it needed to work on a Linux machine specifically and we were not aware we would lose points.

Oh if it worked successfully on your machine, I will look into this issue for you and adjust your marks accordingly!

Your marks have been adjusted and you have only been penalized 2 marks for the make file failing to run on my computer! You are correct that it is a difference in operating systems. I would still make the changes to ensure your capitalization is correct.

@andrealee011 Thank you so much. We will definitely fix it for next Milestone.