Unable to run the app
Closed this issue · 2 comments
benmomo commented
I imported the project into eclipse. Running it as a Maven Project (clean compile package) I got a JAR. I thought I could launch it buy running
java -jar JInedit-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
but I get a message of type that there is no Main class in the Manifest
It seems that I'm missing something ...can you please help me?
STEM-DongukSeo commented
I adjusted the pom.xml of JInedit project, so I think that you can run the project now.
After pull or download the project, please just run MainFrame class of the project in eclipse or use the command 'mvn exec:java'.
If this problem still occurs or you have any other problems, please contact me (donguk.seo@pnu.edu).
benmomo commented
thank you very much! Now I can run the app from Eclipse.