
Formatting adjustment for Attribution and List levels

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There are a couple of formats that aren't quite right

  1. "attribution" should be right-aligned,
    e.g. the words "declares the Lord" in Jer.9.3, 6 which is encoded as
    declares the Lord
    This currently has:

______They go from one sin to another;
__________they do not acknowledge me,’
_____declares the Lord_____4 ‘Beware of your friends;
_____do not trust anyone in your clan
_____For every one of them is a deceiver,
_____and every friend a slanderer
_____5 Friend deceives friend,
_____and no one speaks the truth
_____They have taught their tongues to lie;
_____they weary themselves with sinning
_____6 You live in the midst of deception;
__________in their deceit they refuse to acknowledge me,’
declares the Lord

But this SHOULD be (ignoring the italics which appear cos I've used "_")

_____They go from one sin to another;
__________they do not acknowledge me,’
______________________________declares the Lord
_____4 ‘Beware of your friends;
_____do not trust anyone in your clan
_____For every one of them is a deceiver,
_____and every friend a slanderer
_____5 Friend deceives friend,
_____and no one speaks the truth
_____They have taught their tongues to lie;
_____they weary themselves with sinning
_____6 You live in the midst of deception;
__________in their deceit they refuse to acknowledge me,’
______________________________declares the Lord

  1. should have a left margin instead of a tab at the start of the left line, and shouldn't be righ-justified, e.g.
    At present, when columns are narrow, we get

What we SHOULD get is:

_____7 ___who rules by his might
_____whose eyes keep watch on the nations
__________Let not the rebelllious exalt
__________themselves Selah
_____8 Bless our God, O peoples;
__________let the sound of his praise be
_____9 who has kept our soul among the
_____and has not let our feet slip

This applies to ... or .... or ... etc.