
Footnote markers need to be seen as they are defined in the module. Currently STEPBible converts them all to "▼"

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At present, STEPBible converts all footnote markers to "▼".
However, sometimes a callout for a footnote needs to convey something, eg for notes about alternate verse numbers. In this case the callout puts the alternate verse number in square brackets. For example, at Exo.8.22-23 in NETS:


What we SHOULD see is:

This means that the user can see the alternate numbering in the footnote callout, without needing to look up every footnote.

Notice that normal footnotes SHOULD look like ▼ - as defined in the module itself for the note at the end of v. 22:

STEPBible used to display footnote callouts without changing them.
At some point this was changed (by me, David IB) to automatically change them to ▼
SO - those new lines need to be removed.
(I don't currently have a working programming environment to do it myself)