
assertion "REENT malloc succeeded" failed

muskec06 opened this issue · 4 comments

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I am using stm32CubeIde 1.6.1 and latest drivers. I am using Lwip on stm32f769-disco kit. Before when I use previous drivers I couldn't get a message (In UART console) as below

assertion "REENT malloc succeeded" failed: file "/build/gnu-tools-for-stm32_9-2020-q2-update.2020100 1-1621/src/newlib/newlib/libc/stdlib/rand.c", line 78

Hi @muskec06,

Thank you for this report. If the issue is systematically reproducible on your side, would you please give us more details about how to reproduce the issue and if possible share the project so that we can reproduce the same behavior.

With regards,

Assertion fail at STM32F4.


Please allow me to close this thread as a duplicate of this issue.

With regards,