
STM32L476RCT6 use freertos and sdio 4bits and dma,can not receive queue

Barfell opened this issue · 3 comments

STM32L476RCT6, use CUBEMX generate the project, use FREERTOS ,SDIO 4bits, DMA, and Fatfs, the SD not work normally, the library is STM32Cube_FW_L4_V1.18.0, the question repetition on other library
in fuction
DRESULT SD_read(BYTE lun, BYTE *buff, DWORD sector, UINT count),
event = osMessageGet(SDQueueID, SD_TIMEOUT);

can not receive message.

but use sdio 1bits,work normally.

set a break in the function void SDMMC1_IRQHandler(void),then full running,the sd init success.why?

I fixed it, must enable SD dma irq in main function, then init the SD IRQ in HAL_SD_MspInit function.

Hello @Barfell,

Thank you for your contribution. Regarding the point for which you opened the issue, as it is resolved, please allow me to close the issue.

With regards,