
MQTT_KEEP_ALIVE_TIMER define value too big

nicokorn opened this issue · 1 comments

The project in which the issue applies to:

Issue 1:
Last will message does not get triggered with the MQTT Client Project altough I added the last will registering function before connecting to the broker.

Issue 2:
After a certain time subscribed topics are having a delay of about 8 seconds after I published something somwhere else.

Solution to both issues:
According the Microsoft NetxDuo documentation the keepalive argument for the nxd_mqtt_client_connect function must be in seconds.

But in the application example the keep alive define is most probably in ticks. Assuming that 1 tick is 10 ms, the 30000 resulting in 300000 ms which are 300 secconds thus 5 minutes.

#define MQTT_KEEP_ALIVE_TIMER 30000 /* Define the MQTT keep alive timer for 5 minutes */

I changed the define value to 60 and the last will message gets triggered after 60 seconds and such 8 seconds delay on subscribed topics didn't happen again.

Hi @nicokorn,

Thank you for this clear and concise report and the fix proposal. I will let our development teams know about it. We will try to get back to you as soon as possible.

With regards,