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Gorm-linq is a library that provides a LINQ-like interface for the GORM ORM library. It allows you to write more expressive queries and perform common database operations in a more concise and readable way.


To install Gorm-linq, use go get:

go get github.com/STRockefeller/gorm-linq


First, import the linq package:

import "github.com/STRockefeller/gorm-linq"

Then, create a new gorm.DB instance and pass it to linq.NewDB along with the struct type you want to work with:

db, err := gorm.Open(mysql.Open("dsn"), &gorm.Config{})
if err != nil {
    // handle error

type User struct {
    ID   int
    Name string

users := linq.NewDB[User](db)

You can then use gorm-linq methods to query the database:

// Find all users where Name starts with "A"
var result linq.Linq[User]
err := users.Where(User{Name: "A%"}).Find(context.Background(), &result)

// Find the first user where ID is 42
var user User
err := users.Where(User{ID: 42}).Take(context.Background(), &user)

// Update all users where Name starts with "A"
rowsAffected, err := users.Where(User{Name: "A%"}).Updates(context.Background(), User{Name: "NewName"})

// Delete all users where Name starts with "A"
rowsAffected, err := users.Delete(context.Background(), User{Name: "A%"})

// Find all users for update
var result linq.Linq[User]
err := users.FindForUpdate(context.Background(), linq.NoWait(), &result)

You can also chain multiple gorm-linq methods together to build more complex queries:

// Find all users where Name starts with "A" and ID is less than 100, ordered by Name
var result linq.Linq[User]
err := users.Where(User{Name: "A%"}).WhereRaw("ID < ?", 100).Order("Name").Find(context.Background(), &result)

gorm-linq also supports upserts:

// Upsert a single user
err := users.Upsert(context.Background(), []User{{ID: 42, Name: "NewName"}}, clause.OnConflict{
    Columns:   []clause.Column{{Name: "id"}},
    DoUpdates: clause.AssignmentColumns([]string{"name"}),

You can also use gorm-linq with GORM's Scope method to apply a function to the underlying gorm.DB instance:

users.Scope(func(db *gorm.DB) *gorm.DB {
    return db.Where("deleted_at IS NULL")
}).Find(context.Background(), &result)


Gorm-linq is released under the MIT License. See LICENSE file for details.