
This GitHub repository defines structures and functions to generate fill-in-the-blank and multiple-choice problems from flashcards.

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Flash Card Problem Generator

This code defines two types of problems:

  1. Fill in the blank problem
  2. Multiple choice problem

The code generates these problems from a slice of FlashCard, where each card is an instance of the type FlashCard.

Type Definitions


The struct FlashCard has three fields:

  • Word: A string indicating the word to be learned.
  • Sentences: a slice of strings indicating sentences containing the word.
  • Definitions: a slice of strings indicating the definitions of the given word.


The struct FillInTheBlankProblem has two fields:

  • Question: A string with some words replaced by blanks.
  • Answer: A string indicating the correct answer.


The struct MultiChoiceProblem has three fields:

  • Question: A string indicating the definition of the word.
  • Choices: a slice of strings representing multiple choices for the question.
  • Answer: A string indicating the correct answer.


GenerateFillInTheBlankProblems(cards []FlashCard) []FillInTheBlankProblem

This function takes a slice of FlashCards, and returns a slice of FillInTheBlankProblems generated from the sentences in the FlashCards. It maps over each FlashCard and generates problems for each sentence in Sentences.

GenerateFillInTheBlankProblem(card FlashCard) []FillInTheBlankProblem

This function generates fill in the blank problem for a single FlashCard.

generateChoices(words []string, ans string) []string

This recursive function selects 4 random choices from the slice of words and return them as a slice. The correct answer is also included among the choices. If the correct answer is not among randomly selected words, the function recursively calls itself until it gets 4 choices including the correct answer.

GenerateMultiChoiceProblems(cards []FlashCard) []MultiChoiceProblem

This function takes a slice of FlashCards, and returns a slice of MultiChoiceProblems generated from the definitions of the FlashCards. It maps over each FlashCard and generates a MultiChoiceProblem using a random definition as the Question, four randomly selected words including the correct word as multiple choices for the question, and the correct word itself as the Answer.