
🎨 Demos Button-group: Add more designs for better understanding of the combinations

Opened this issue · 5 comments

Acceptance Criteria

The demo should show more combinations of buttons. At this moment it looks like the only valid appearance is with Primary Buttons, when in fact other Colours are also valid.

Definition of done (DOD)

Add a new section colours between size and mode. See the screenshot attached.
Use accent and neutral as examples.

221004 - Colours

Can you provide some additional info, like where do you want to add this demo section?

Hey, Can you please guide me on how to simulate and test my code on localhost? @turolopezsanabria

npm run respawn

and then
npm run dev molecule/buttonGroup

On npm run dev molecule/buttonGroup - it is giving the above-mentioned error, How should I resolve this? @andresin87