
Should we move the compat layout utils to sui-theme base?

Opened this issue · 5 comments

Should we move the mixins *-down, *-between, *-only etc... to the sui-base theme to dismiss the developers to include a v7-compat file only for media mixin include purposes ? @davidbarna

It's needed for compatibility purpose. This was discussed and we decided to keep them but to set the convention of not using them. So I think you can close this task.

jcger commented

@carlesnunez , what do you mean with sui-base theme?

Hello, sorry for use 'custom naming' 👎 @jcger.
When I say sui-base theme for me is the not V7 sui version.

@davidbarna if we decided to not use the mixins... what should we use to set breakpoints? I've found these mixins really useful.

Breakpoints are not the same as media queries. We chose to use breakpoints only down to up. Mobile first. I'm not sure I understand what you mean. We can have a talk if you want.

jcger commented

We'll (hopefully soon) refactor the sui-theme in order to remove all the components/v7-compat stuff. For now, new implementations shouldn't make use of anything that is inside those folders but it has to be kept there as older components still use them