
Flying any pipeline is broken

Closed this issue · 3 comments

From latest master, flying anything gives me:

vic@viccuad ~/suse/cap/cap-ci (master $=)$ printf '%s\n' yes | ./ cap-pre-release cap-pre-release.yaml; popd

This will modify the production pipeline: cap-pre-release. Are you sure you want to proceed?(yes/no): gomplate version 3.6.0, build 564f5588
config is:
input: cap-pre-release.yaml
output: -
datasources: config=cap-pre-release.yaml
templates: scripts/upgrade_kubecf.tmpl, scripts/destroy_k8s.tmpl, scripts/deploy_k8s.tmpl, scripts/import_gke.tmpl, scripts/test.tmpl, scripts/deploy_stratos.tmpl, scripts/test_mits.tmpl, scripts/pre_upgrade_deploy_kubecf.tmpl, scripts/import_eks.tmpl, scripts/import_aks.tmpl, scripts/import_caasp4.tmpl, scripts/obtain_kubeconfig.tmpl, scripts/klog.tmpl, scripts/destroy_kubecf.tmpl, scripts/destroy_stratos.tmpl, scripts/deploy_kubecf.tmpl, jobs/destroy-kubecf.tmpl, jobs/deploy-stratos.tmpl, jobs/upgrade-kubecf.tmpl, jobs/sync-integration-tests.tmpl, jobs/post-upgrade-smoke-tests.tmpl, jobs/cf-acceptance-tests.tmpl, jobs/pre-upgrade-smoke-tests.tmpl, jobs/minibroker-integration-tests.tmpl, jobs/smoke-tests.tmpl, jobs/deploy-k8s.tmpl, jobs/cf-acceptance-tests-brain.tmpl, jobs/deploy-kubecf.tmpl, jobs/pre-upgrade-deploy-kubecf.tmpl, common/destroy_k8s.tmpl

rendered 1 template(s) with 0 error(s) in 6.874625ms
error: error unmarshaling JSON: while decoding JSON: json: cannot unmarshal object into Go struct field of type atc.JobConfigs
~/suse/cap ~/suse/cap

The same happens if I use 1-month, 2-months, and 3-months old commits. In fact I have tried a git bisect with a script similar to pushd cap-ci; printf '%s\n' yes | ./ cap-pre-release cap-pre-release.yaml (needs to be a proper script that traps the popd in case of failure).

I haven't updated the gomplate binary in the lat months, and I have fly synced already to

Maybe it has to do with the Concourse version bump?

I could not repro this issue (tried it on mac).
I tried deploying a new pipeline and even updated cap-pre-release and cap-pre-release-upgrades CI. Worked fine for me.

Then, it must be on my side, thanks for trying! Closing then.