
Erro the create CPU / failed to create shield, hint: do other cpusets exist

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Hello, i'm try using cpuset version 1.6. But I was try init shield show this error:

"failed to create shield, hint: do other cpusets exist?"

I'm was Investigate in code, found this section where from raised erro:

        log.debug("shielding does not exist, creating")
            set.create(USR_SET, cpuspec, memspec, True, False)
            set.create(SYS_SET, cpuspec_inv, memspec, True, False)
        except Exception as instance:
            # unroll
            try: set.destroy(USR_SET)
            except: pass
            try: set.destroy(SYS_SET)
            except: pass
            log.critical('--> failed to create shield, hint: do other cpusets exist?')
            raise instance'--> activating shielding:')

I can undestand of methods creates not found cpusets from this wasn't create. I was try change of variables of hard-coded cpuspec to 0 and cpuspec_inv to 0 too, works, but not works for all cpus. How can solve this?

Your report is missing what commands with what parameters did you run and what was the environment where you tried it.
Please take a look at #34 (both for a bug report example and it may also be a duplicate of your issue).

Yes! The issue #34 solved my problem, thanks! :)