
Issue with Docker and ThinkingSphinx

AnkushMalik opened this issue · 5 comments

  • bootstrap:

screen shot 2018-07-24 at 7 25 52 pm

  • bootstrap command runs without any problem but when I start the development enviroment I face following error :


I have stopped/deleted container with docker prune and tried to set up enviroment multiple times but facing this same issue.

Note: There was no /sphinx directory created in my project.

What OS do you run docker on?

macOS High Sierra

Hm sounds like this happens when a crash left behind a pid?

Please try if cleaning up helps...

rm -rf sphinx
rm -rf db/sphinx/development
rm -f config/application.yml config/development.sphinx.conf config/database.yml config/secrets.yml
rm -rf tmp/*
rm log/development.*

Thank you, now I can successfully run the enviroment now. 😼
but now there is another minor issue :


but for the time being, I can comment the ts callbacks in my models. :-)

You should rebase to get 5956264