
Unable to build using meson

Closed this issue · 7 comments

I am trying to build using meson as given in readme. But after I execute third line it gives error

Please see if it same for others .

Well obviously not, considered the CI/CD we have here is successfully building and running the code.
That said we did not spend anytime trying to build (nor run) the code on an Ubuntu installation.

A PR (if required) to fix the issue you see would be very much welcome tho!

@guptadhaval18 either do: meson build && meson compile -C build or meson build && cd build && ninja.

EDIT: I just tried it on my machine with meson 0.55.3 and there the instructions work. So my guess is that meson 0.53 might not support meson compile as we outline it. Could you check if either of the two other methods work for you?

I believe it could be an issue since pkg-config seems to be an old version for you. I tried setting up on a new Tumbleweed VM today and it worked alright for me. This is the output of meson build for me


@mukul-mehta It is highly unlikely that this is caused by pkg-config, as that is only used to discover dependencies by meson and not to actually compile anything.

@guptadhaval18 Can you compile phoeβe by using ninja directly?

I believe it could be an issue since pkg-config seems to be an old version for you. I tried setting up on a new Tumbleweed VM today and it worked alright for me. This is the output of meson build for me


I'm confused now: is the code building or not for yourself?

@mvarlese The code builds successfully for me. I was able to run meson build and meson compile and run the code in both training and inference modes

@mukul-mehta then I believe we can close this issue.