
Directories will be created with wrong permissions

t-ru opened this issue · 3 comments

t-ru commented


umask is not 022 on rmt.

Client get's error

Retrieving: sles-release-15.4-150400.58.7.3.x86_64 (SLE-Product-SLES15-SP4-Updates)                                                                                                 (185/229), 437.4 KiB
Retrieving: sles-release-15.4-150400.58.7.3.x86_64.rpm ..............................................................................................................................................[error]
Permission to access 'https://rmt-3/repo/SUSE/Updates/SLE-Product-SLES/15-SP4/x86_64/update/x86_64/sles-release-15.4-150400.58.7.3.x86_64.rpm?credentials=SUSE_Linux_Enterprise_Server_x86_64' denied.

RMT Server

rmt-3/: # cat /etc/login.defs | grep "^UMASK"
UMASK           077
rmt-3:/ # ls -ltr /var/lib/rmt/public/repo/SUSE/Updates/SLE-Product-SLES/15-SP4/x86_64/update
total 8
drwxr-xr-x 2 _rmt nginx 4096 May 25 10:18 .old_repodata
drwxr----- 2 _rmt nginx   56 May 25 10:18 x86_64
drwxr-xr-x 2 _rmt nginx  264 May 25 10:18 noarch
drwxr-xr-x 2 _rmt nginx 4096 May 25 10:28 repodata

... Directory x86_64 was created with 700 instead 755. This results in no permissions for nginx.
... chmod 755 ./x86_64 fixes the problem

@ngetahun could this be related to the permission fix we applied recently?

I will look into it