compile issue when trying planetary simulation

JingyaoDOU opened this issue · 3 comments

I'm trying to run the /Planetary/EarthImpact example provided and I have some issues trying to get swift compile.

./configure --with-hydro=planetary --with-equation-of-state=planetary --with-hdf5=/path/to/hdf5
make -j8 check 

and I got the error

In file included from testRiemannTRRS.c:26:0:
../src/riemann/riemann_trrs.h:37:2: error: #error "The TRRS Riemann solver currently only supports an ideal gas equation of state.
 Either select this equation of state, or try using another Riemann solver!"

The code was run on a Centos 7 Linux distribution with Intel Xeon CPU. The hdf5 libraries is hdf5-1.12.1-Linux-centos7-x86_64-gcc485.

could you please help?

That looks like an issue with one of the unit tests. Could you compile without the check (so just make -j8)? make check only compiles and runs the unit tests, it does not compile the code.

Hi Bert, it works this time, thank you for the advice!


This falls definitely at the very bottom of the todo-list but we should fix the checks to not break in this case.
Clearly, planetary + gizmo is a no-go.