Grhoth it is an osint tool which is used to extract information from your facebook friends like email address, phone number or many other things
cd Grhoth
pip2 install -r requirements.txt
/!\ (Your VPN can bug the program)/!\
/!\ (if you use this program too many times your facebook account can be blocked so don't overuse it )/!\
Grhoth is a tool that requires a token to function correctly
(to generate a token tape "token, to add an already existing tape "add_token")
now the "hardest" part is done
(if the token didn't generate correctly, type "show_token" to display the token, "delete_toke" to delete the token
or "load_token" to update the token)
now all you have to do is execute the commands :)
(to see the commands list type "help" or look at the list below)
Grhoth est un outils qui nécessite un token pour fonctionner
(pour en générer un token tape "token", pour en ajouter un dejà existant tape "add_token")
une fois ce token généré le plus dure est fait
(si le token ne s'est pas généré correctement tape "show_token" pour afficher le token, "delete_toke" pour supprimer le token
ou "load_token" pour actualisé le token)
il ne vous reste plus qu'a executer les commandes :)
(pour voir la liste des commandes tape "help" ou regarde la liste ci dessous)
get_phone : retrieves the following information: "name, id, phone number, mail address and location" of all your friends with at least one phone number.
The information will be displayed in the form: "name" + "id" + "phone number" + "mail address" + "location".
get_phone1 : retrieves the following information: "name" + "id" + "phone number" + "location" of all your friends with at least one phone number.
The information will be displayed in the form: "name" + "id" + "phone number" + "location".
get_phone2 : retrieves the following information: "name" + "id" + "phone number" of all your friends with at least one telephone number.
The information will be displayed in the form: "name" + "id" + "phone number".
get_mail : retrieves the following information: "name, id, phone number, mail address and location" of all your friends with at least an email address.
The information will be displayed in the form: "name" + "id" + "phone number" + "mail address + "location".
get_mail1 : retrieves the following information: "name" + "id" + "mail address" + "location" of all your friends with at least an email. address
The information will be displayed in the form: "name" + "id" + "mail address" + "location".
get_mail2 : retrieves the following information: "name" + "id" + "mail address" of all your friends with at least an email address.
The information will be displayed in the form: "name" + "id" + "mail address".
get_all : retrieves the following information: "name, id, phone number, mail address and location" of all your friends.
The information will be displayed in the form: "name" + "id" + "phone number" + "mail address" + "location".
get_search : retrieves the following information: "name, id, phone number, mail address and location" from the specified friend.
The information will be displayed in the form:
"name ="
"id ="
"mail ="
"phone ="
"location ="
token : create a new token and delete the old token.
show_token : shows the used token.
delete_token : delete the used token.
load_token : refresh the token.
add_token : add a token.
help : show help.
exit : exit the programm.