
Primary LanguageShell

Verification and Decryption Script (install.sh)

This project allows you to generate multiple encrypted shell scripts using script.js. You can use the install.sh script to download, verify, and decrypt these scripts. Here's how to use the project:

  1. Generate Encrypted Shell Scripts:

    • Run script.js to generate encrypted shell scripts.
    • Provide the number of scripts you want to create.
    • The script will create directories for each script, containing the encrypted shell script and version information.
    • A key.json file in the root directory will store the decryption keys.
  2. Verify and Decrypt Scripts:

    • Use install.sh to verify and decrypt the scripts.
    • Provide the path to the key.json file as an argument.
    • The script will download the encrypted scripts, decrypt them, and verify their version and decryption key.
    • You will see the output of each script with verified information.
  3. GitHub Pages:

    • You can find the encrypted scripts and key.json on the GitHub Pages of your repository.
  4. Usage:

    • To generate encrypted scripts, run script.js.
    • To verify and decrypt scripts, run install.sh with key.json as an argument.
  5. Example Usage:

    ./install.sh path/to/key.json

Download Scripts

Download Install Script

wget https://sachita007.github.io/Scripts/install.sh


wget https://sachita007.github.io/Scripts/scripts/key.json

For Accessing shell scripts

wget https://sachita007.github.io/Scripts/scripts/{key}/script.sh.enc

[[Note:]] You can replace key ,with your key like key1. key2 and all.

Decryption large files

This script allows you to download and decrypt a text file from a GitHub Pages repository using a decryption key stored as an environment variable. You can customize the number of words to display from the decrypted text.

Download Script

  1. Set the decryption key:

     export l001=provided_secret_key
  2. Download:

    • Using wget (GitHub):
      wget -O - https://sachita007.github.io/Scripts/scripts/large.sh | bash
  3. Execute:

bash large.sh l001

File Structure For Scripts

|-- largeScripts/
|   |-- l001/
|   |   |-- encrypted.text.enc  --- This is encrypted text file , that downloaded and decrypted by large.sh shell script
|   |   |-- input.txt.enc
|-- scripts/
|   |-- key001/
|   |   |-- script.sh.enc
|   |   |-- version.json.enc
|   |-- key002/
|   |   |-- script.sh.enc
|   |   |-- version.json.enc
|   |-- key003/
|   |   |-- script.sh.enc
|   |   |-- version.json.enc
|   |-- ...
|   |-- key.json
|-- install.sh
|-- large.sh -----For testing large file Decryption
|-- script.js ---For creating Shell Scripts
|-- README.md