
Web development project for uni

Primary LanguagePHP

Note: The following is here for time's sake; some of the stuff listed doesn't exist, such as the Jenkins server (which I now consider to be a horribly bloated CI - though, name one that isn't?).

North east charity events

This project makes use of several libraries/frameworks:


  • Slim, framework
  • Propel, ORM
  • Monolog, logging
  • Twig, template


  • jQuery


  • Twitter's Bootstrap

Starting development

Rather than having to set up a local server, I have included a Docker setup which will immediately give you a working server system (that's the theory, anyway). The alternative is setting up your server stack (such as XAMPP or WAMP, for Windows), which would take some time to look into, if you haven't before.


You must clone/store this IN YOUR USERS FOLDER - e.g. C:/Users/yourusername/ - otherwise the server WILL NOT WORK.


To start the server, run start.bat. You will be given an IP address like (probably exactly like) - this is how you access the server ( If you want to make it more convenient, add <your_given_IP_address_WITHOUT_:8080> docker.dev to your hosts file (google it) - and you can access it via http://docker.dev:8080/

Shutting down

To properly shutdown the server, either run stop.bat.

Adding Data/Viewing

if this a freshly cloned repo, you need to first run upgrade.bat. You now have a full working web stack - but no data. To fill it with fake data, go to http://<your_ip_address>:8080/data. If an error shows, run upgrade.bat again or try recloning. Otherwise it'll give you some times taken to add the data. http://<your_ip_address>:8080/ should now have events on the front page.


If a new change includes modifications to the database configuration or the project's dependencies, they will need to be applied. Running upgrade.bat will do this.


Try running git config --global core.autocrlf input, deleting the repo (ASSUMING YOU HAVEN'T MADE ANY CHANGES, OBVIOUSLY) and recloning git clone https://github.com/SacredSkull/north-east-charity-events.git

Important folders

src/NorthEastEvents/public <-- CSS, JS, Images, etc.. src/NorthEastEvents/templates <-- templated twig html files

Tips for templating

This documentation is your friend.

URL Resource Template name Available variables Example use Notes
/ Homepage home.html.twig events, current_user {% for event in events %}{{ event.getTitle }}{% endfor %} Featured events on this page.
/me (Your) User Account page /users/me.html.twig current_user {{ current_user.getUsername }} All public/private info is shown (except for password)
/register Register user (form) /users/register.html.twig - - -
/users Show (paginated) list of users /users/users.html.twig users, current_user {% for user in users %}{{ user.getUsername }}{% endfor %} -- more details coming about pagination Paginated, and uses a special format
/user/4 Show PUBLIC details of user ID 4 /users/user.html.twig user, current_user {{ user.Username }} <-- NOTE THE DIFFERENCE vs user.getUsername To prevent information leak, this page as a special user format (see left)
/events Show (paginated) list of events /events/events.html.twig events, current_user {% for event in events %}{{ event.getTitle }}{% endfor %} -- more details coming about pagination Paginated, and uses a special format
/event/69 Show details of event ID 69 (including list of threads) /events/event.html.twig event, current_user {{ event.getTitle }} {% for thread in event.getThreads %}{{ thread.getTitle }}{% endfor %} -
/event/69/thread/2 Show comments in thread #2 from event ID 69 /events/thread.html.twig event, current_user, thread {{ thread.getTitle }} {% for comment in thread.getComments %}{{ comment.getBodyHTML}}{% endfor %} Either use event or thread.getEvent to show event information.
/event/create Create a new event page (form) /events/create.html.twig current_user - Don't worry about whether or not the User is permitted to do this - that's handled in the backend.

Too long, didn't read

How to use

You're probably going to exist mostly in the src/templates/* and src/include/less/* folders.

  • Start with start.bat, end with stop.bat.
  • To view the site you go to http://localhost:8080 (for testing)
  • You may be told to occasionally run upgrade.bat.
  • If you have trouble, run reset.bat.

Stuff you need to know


Read up on some Twig, Bootstrap and optionally, some LESS too. Javascript is also optional, if you're completely new, I'd recommend diving straight into jQuery


Some PHP