
Overlays with Angular's CDK

saeidi-dev opened this issue · 2 comments

It may be difficult to display your datepicker in some places. You must implement the datepicker-outer-container div with @angular / cdk / overlay. This will place the date display at the bottom of the body tag.


sample code:

 constructor(private overlay: Overlay) { }

  open() {
    // Returns an OverlayRef which is a PortalHost
    const overlayRef = this.overlay.create();

    // Create ComponentPortal that can be attached to a PortalHost
    const filePreviewPortal = new ComponentPortal(FilePreviewOverlayComponent);

    // Attach ComponentPortal to PortalHost

@saeidi-dev Sorry, i don't want to increase my lib dependencies, however, users are free to install whatever they want ...

@saeidi-dev Sorry, i don't want to increase my lib dependencies, however, users are free to install whatever they want ...

Your datepicker is not working properly in display mode. For example, I used it in ag-grid in the Floating Filter Component section
