
Course over intermediate Python

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Level Up Your Python

Website here: https://henryiii.github.io/level-up-your-python

Live (binder) instance here: https://mybinder.org/v2/gh/henryiii/level-up-your-python/main?urlpath=lab/tree/notebooks/0%20Intro.ipynb

Live WebAssymbly (Pyodide + JupyterLite) instance here: https://henryiii.github.io/level-up-your-python/live

This project comes with a conda environment file. To install, run:

conda create env

Then you can just start up a jupyter lab server:

juptyer lab

You only need to have conda installed. If you want to have it pre-configured with conda-forge, that's available here. The Mambaforge version is FAST!

Princeton mini-course

This was first taught as a Princeton mini-course in 2020.

PyHEP 2021

This was taught at PyHEP 2021

Wintersession 2022

This was at Wintersession, 2022 at Princeton.