
This helm chart lets you to access the k8s api when your cluster on GCP is hosted with API server in a private VPC and access restricted to only private VPC.

Primary LanguageSmarty


This helm chart lets you to access your k8s api server from your desktop when your api server end point is configured as a private endpoint.


The solution is based on the below link, which requires many manual steps of creating a docker image(hosting on your registry), configuring k8s deployment and network load balancer. By using this helm chart it avoids these manual steps.


This solution is targetted towards GKE private clusters with no access to public endpoint.



  • Assume that the VPC is configured with corporate VPN so that you can still access the other compute instances/loadbalancers configured on the VPC once you are in your corporate network.
  • Helm3 is installed and configured on your cluster
  • (Optional) If you have a hosted zone configured on Route53 so that you can create CNAME with FQDN for the generated loadbalancer and then use FQDN instead.


Login to any of the bastion host you may have configured to connect to the cluster from the private VPC. Use the package manager helm to install.

git clone https://github.com/Saggi432/gke-private-api.git
cd k8s-private-api
helm install . --namespace default --name k8s-private-api 

with FQDN

helm install . --namespace default --name k8s-private-api --set fqdn=k8s-api-proxy.myhostezone.com


export LB_IP=`kubectl get  service/k8s-private-api-k8s-api-proxy \
-o jsonpath='{.status.loadBalancer.ingress[].ip}'`
export https_proxy=$LB_IP:8118
kubectl get pods -v100


Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.

Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.
